

根植于博彩平台推荐杰出的心理学历史, department’s social psychology doctoral program at the 国家ly-renowned 弗朗西丝·L. 希亚特心理学院 is dedicated to understanding the psychological processes that underlie today’s most pressing local, 国家, 以及全球社会和政治问题.

我们的课程强调情境化, interdisciplinary learning and diversity in its 研究 and pedagogy while encouraging novel theoretical work and methodological breadth. Our intimate size allows for close student-faculty relationships and collaboration while providing opportunities to work with and mentor fellow 研究生 students and under研究生s. Our approach prepares students for academic, 研究, policy careers in social psychology.

All full-time 研究生 students are guaranteed tuition remission and stipends for four years through 研究生 assistantships. 博彩平台推荐是一所小型城市研究型大学,G. 斯坦利·霍尔,它的第一任总裁,创立了 美国心理学会 in 1892, our close-knit program fosters a collegial, supportive intellectual community.



社会心理学课程鼓励学生, 通过主动性和求知欲, to develop and advance their 研究 interests in urgent social issues among our dedicated, 协作的社区. 许多不同的方法学方法都得到了体现和重视. Our department intentionally structures classes to allow students to focus on the topics at hand, 同龄人之间没有竞争. The social psychology program is committed to the inclusion of diverse populations and to enhancing diversity within the field as a whole. 因此,我们创造了一个相互尊重、相互支持的学习环境.

见见我们的教员           认识我们的研究生


From studying the psychology of activism to politically motivated intergroup conflict and violence, Clark’s social psychology 研究生 students analyze some of the day’s most pertinent issues using quantitative and qualitative 研究 methods. Our 研究生 program ensures students receive extensive 研究 training that builds cumulatively from foundational and more heavily mentored experiences to more independent activities, 比如建立一个研究组合和论文研究. Much of our faculty and student 研究 takes place within community settings, 本地或国际.

Through lab work, 研究生 students collaborate among faculty,ir cohorts, under研究生s. 研究生 students present their work at external conferences such as the 人格与社会心理学学会, 国际政治心理学学会, or 社会问题心理研究学会 在亚洲体育博彩平台家 研究生多学科会议,并在诸如 女性主义与心理学, 社会问题杂志, 男性心理学与男子气概.  研究生奖学金, 以及我们教师的研究, 在理论和方法上都是多样化的吗, which is a mark of distinction and strength across our department’s three programs.

Our faculty has guest-edited special issues in the 社会问题杂志 as well as the European Journal of Social 心理学 and founded the 社会与政治心理学杂志. 他们的研究和专业知识得到了世界卫生组织的认可 U.S. 疾病控制和预防中心, 美国心理学会, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 等.

At the heart of our 研究 are the program and department’s 研究 groups, 论坛, 还有实验室会议,老师们, 研究生, under研究生 students discuss common theoretical concerns and 研究 interests. 事实上, 研究生被鼓励彼此密切合作, 有高级本科生, with faculty colleagues in developing their program of 研究 with the goal of growing as an independent 研究er.

教师专业知识          研究小组、实验室和论坛


Clark’s social psychology doctoral program examines the interaction of individual differences and social structures in producing and reflecting social and political attitudes, 行为, 和健康.


教师的兴趣包括群体间的关系, 集体暴力和人际暴力, 暴力冲突的后果, 健康差异, 以及致力于社会变革, 包括集体行动和干预, 等.


我们特别关注人类如何体验——思想, 行为, feelings — is shaped by history and intersectionality of group memberships, 以及社会结构如何强化权力关系.


研究生 students in our program take several rigorous 研究 methods and statistics courses, have the option of receiving training in advanced statistical methods and/or advanced qualitative methods. 另外, we offer several 研究生 and capstone seminars in topics related to the social psychology of social issues (e.g, Prejudice; Stigma; Intersectionality; Collective Violence and its Aftermath), students can take courses in other 研究生 programs at Clark as well. A core component of our training is the Social Forum in which all 研究生 students and faculty participate each semester.


我们强调跨学科,强调多样性, 我们的教职员工与以下中心有联系, 部门, 以及博彩平台推荐的课程

We view Worcester and neighboring communities as learning environments as well, have partnerships with organizations like the YWCA and the Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence. 我们的大部分研究都是在美国的社区环境中进行的.S. 以及世界其他地方.




博彩平台推荐的心理学系有超过35名学生,000平方英尺专门用于学习, 研究, 以及实验室工作. 研究生 students have semi-private offices and access to dedicated lab clusters, which include the Bliss Child and Family Study Center and a psychotherapy 研究 lab. The psychological services area contains two therapy suites that allow for observation and recording of clinical sessions.



亚洲体育博彩平台心理学博士.D. programs train scholars to work in academic and professional fields, produces distinguished Ph.D. 成为各自专业领域有价值成员的校友. Their extensive training and 研究 experience prepares them for positions at universities and nonprofits around the world.


弗朗西丝·L. 希亚特心理学院
